Murder on the Île Sordou by M. L. Longworth was published in 2014 by Penguin Books and is the 4th book of the Verlaque & Bonnet Provençal Mysteries series.
A recently renovated luxury hotel on the secluded island of Sordou off the coast of Marseille is the setting for travelers seeking a week's long rest, relaxation, and solitude. Two hotel guests are the story's main protagonists, Antoine Verlaque, a wealthy magistrate from the Aix-en-Provence, and his love interest, Marine Bonnet, a law professor. Both want to keep their professions to themselves while on this much-needed vacation. But fortunes being what they are, their secret is soon revealed.
As the guests settle in for their week of R&R, a shot rings out during the night, which no one seems to pay much attention to until the dead body of one of the hotel guests, the well-known actor Alain Denis, is found the following day. A police investigation ensues, which includes a collaboration between Judge Verlaque, Professor Bonnet, and their police inspector friend Bruno Paulik, along with a stormy sea that prevents anyone from leaving the island; it becomes evident that the murderer is among them.
This story is not filled with many twists and turns, although there are one or two. Yes, there is a murder, but it's not graphic or bloody, making me think of this story as more of a cozy mystery, which I enjoy.
The many characters are vividly described, though one or two can easily be pegged as stereotypical. Although fictional, the locale's atmosphere, cultural references, and culinary delights are beautifully depicted in this story, which reminds me more of a travelogue at times than a mystery, and that's okay.
The main characters are opposites attracted to each other. Antoine Verlaque comes from money and is stuffy but likable. Marine Bonnet is more grounded and makes a good foil for him. Their back-and-forth banter, along with that of Marine's friend Sylvie, is entertaining. Unfortunately, I have not yet read any other Verlaque & Bonnet Provençal Mysteries, of which there are 9, but I will. Regardless, Murder on the Île Sordou is a good read, especially if you are a Francophile or enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle.
My Personal Rating is ⭐⭐⭐¾